Monday, February 22, 2010

Daughter of Janus

Your child you brought into the world
A girl with smiles and hair that curled
“Almost perfect” is what you said
If she’d been born a boy instead

Never perfect could this girl be
That was your vow and your decree
You wouldn’t spare a smile for her
Your ire for her was quite secure

Other people had not a clue
To them you gave another view
For them you were all laughs and smiles
They could not see through all your wiles

When you came home at end of day
For every insult she would pay
You’d knock her down upon the ground
Keeping your dignity still sound

Did it never occur to you
The love she felt for you was true
You weren’t worthy of that pearl
Because you couldn’t love that girl

Your big mistake did come to pass
It was in how you raised the lass
You taught her to think like a boy
She grew wise to selfish ploy

She grew old enough to think
And then her heart began to sink
She saw that in her father’s eyes
Was where her imperfection lies